What's Next?

  1. Start by exploring some courses. Don't go crazy, pick one and work with it for a week or more before trying another one. Playing the piano and learning the language of music comes with lots of repetition and a little bit of newness not the other way around. Play along with the videos, print out relevant materials and make comments where possible if you have any questions or want to share an Ah Ha moment.
  2. Every second Tuesday we JAM online, and you will be emailed a Zoom link the day before. Show up at your piano or keyboard if possible and be ready to play. Wear some ear buds if you can so you can plug one in your ear to hear me and the backing tracks and leave the other one off so you can hear yourself.
  3. If you miss a live JAM, the Zoom recording will be posted on this site the following day and will stay up for a few months.
  4. If you have a request for a course please add that to the comments below. This is a living breathing experience.

See you soon!

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